Have fun while doing “good”!
We offer a couple of choices that are designed to help raise as much money as possible for your cause! At our Fundraisers, your organization gets to choose the painting!

Fundraising Classes
16 X 20 canvas
$35/person for 2 hour class (your organization will get $15) – Monday-Wednesday only
Minimum of 15 guests for donation – guests must be registered at least 7 days before scheduled class

Paint your Pet – Fundraising Classes
16 X 20 canvas
$55/person for 2.5 hour class (your organization will get $15) – Monday-Wednesday only
Minimum of 15 guests for donation – guests must be registered at least 7 days before scheduled class
What do you have to do?
Tell everyone about your upcoming fundraiser! Do an email blast to your mailing list, post it on your organization’s Facebook page and Twitter account! Help us get the word out! The more people you have, the more money you make!
How far in advance do we need to schedule?
All fundraisers must be scheduled at least a month in advance. You must have the date and the painting chosen at the time of class confirmation.
How do we get the funds from the fundraiser?
Painting and Pinot will write you a check within 14 business days after the class. We ask that you provide us with the legal organization name, address, and tax deductible receipt (within 7 days of receipt of the check from Painting and Pinot).
Call us at 223-6101 or email us at PaintingandPinot@gmail.com for more details!